Ballots (2)o kened t ompiet &(y to the Leff of any N n%dicates Vote, for that"banaidate D0 not make anXor,R 2 USE ONLY THE PENt L PROYlD G 3. DO NOT CROSS OUT tfyuu ch ange mind, exchange your ballot fof`a�ne;aone 4 TO WRITE-IN NAME, Y0tl MUST '8 LACKE I � fittE�311AL (�!�T��TNEULE�"�,TOE LIN; .PROVO 9Eo, AND5MMITI: IE 14AME INf SPACE PROVIDED FOR MAT '3 � a AFTER V0TfNG ins a et so that the..bailot Ilo -130 NOT FOLD THE '?CAI i''s ev _ _ 4:t, P - .RE RE silDti I BIL wNIo: 4 Shah Ot to offrc,ais continue,, challeni es t hhe, 9 �• selection proc for hgh -evel nuclea ' repositories an '' to means be provided fo � 1: disapprovand INITIATIVE MEASURE No,' 90 f . saes and use taxes be increa ed d tornpreeest ,Ye, b a Y ldt ration > e �,� NSTRUCT10NS TO'VOT 0 .VOTE Y0U MOST BLACKEN 1 (iii) COMPLETELY An HATE JOINT RESOLUTION No a. ^onstitiatiot be amended to and ehg2bd ty ,� ; : tft1SE JIOIN1' RI±SI I� 1ON No " r" t Gonsti tuiion Ue ama nded to author` endent commission to set safari M ` � sue 3�ax1 �ianrlri IOUSE JOINT RESOLUUTIONl No r ; Sha1l a constitutional amendment perrntt v n alers� ,prove school excess ietrr4es„xwt.r n { +'for construction Ill r school dstr r,, , tre formed oy roils Schoot •tai srungton No_ 453 j x CH00L Dr ppositiort P w aided • tndebtedn:. , aJ rized but riot. yet sold, of iii • et No 1 16 the Kelso Schcoi eco Met , +ed lndde toss STATE OF WPiS 9INGT0N FORMATION OF Kdl.AMA PAWK AND RECREATION SERVICE AREA Nett a park and recreation service area iiiihstied for the area described in a,esolu.ion ogirx tlte;:Board of Count Commrssioders at Oowfit ,�o nty, adopted 00 'September 1 g 198t-, �10 p ro ; ... „ 'kYide fsnancin. far Commu tt 8uildin novatio s re ~� �' g econstruetion and for nei oa facil n rn r vements, end services' YES ,, `' . ' Unit. i7L:A7A4�P1 ' (Vote for o r •, r y i ae Gort >.� 1 c'o! 1� 1 1S TI:IIC T 19A' .,... -t- (Vote for �' D ' • Prnposltoen No 1 ;,, ; a new 'school, d If Y f 102 Ct> '1ngton be toned by; k bon of af resent Carets School vista ct No 11 i3, Cawiitt ira and al! of the present .t s COrYiitZ C,OUPt rt Sta f t T S' REP rd Con+pressi"lli TA IE R EPRES.. NTA r Ill �Il Is#rlct Po s l on71® x (Vote far ONE) tATE R AESE ATIV IR District - 'Position No. 0(Vote for ONE) ; s �� ; � ti;,•d f� f + 11 0L LS SCHOOL OIST. w ropositlon Nlo, 2: d in, : n bd. dot yet debtedness sold of the a -t , r r, tf8atdt9eKelsoSoh to a ,, ° i a �e the bonded ;,rtdebtedn2' + ` •' .k„,....,.. iNtt rt r ea UNTY ASSESS' (Vote for 0 Ai.94:2 ITV el File-1- 10K SCHOOL DI. Proposition No 1 miss Levy tar Trans p an Ve'hit it Castle Rock School Minot No v.iluttopzed 4 aye ac excess levy i tirnated t x ` df 46 per $1,t7 ivation t 8 4, 1 foi � Sr �9 :.' I'ONP DISTRICT BALLOT ITISAN JUDICIA& aril '`' ' . 1 � F ": �ML n'2 .kr I11 , S' TE S UPREME 4'i te • �� s o sitioCt N e� e UPREME n No. 3 .STIC.E COURT i#3 on No ! }•� for ONE �V''�$"S S7rA 1LS9:1lE ''!. • .e�s _.u #^ _ � s • 4 1 1 Me