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Miscellaneous (3)
wlitz ourrAy uditor November 19, 1986 Educational Service District No. 112 1313 N.E. 134th Street Vancouver, Washington 98665 Attention: Diana M. Deeg Administrative Secretary Re: Special Elections 11 -04 -86 Enclosed herewith for your information is one (1) true and correct copy of a portion of the Official Returns of the General and Special Elections held on Tuesday, November 4, 1986, for the following dist- ricts: Sincerely, Carrolls School District #118 Kelso School District #453 Castle Rock School District #401 HELEN M. WADDLE Cowlitz County Auditor By At �� 4I -/ Dorothy J2j gown) Rinker Administ ative Assistant djbr enc. HELEN M. WADDLE, Auditor DOROTHY J. BROWN, Administrative Assistant Marriage Licenses Accounting COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Auto Licenses Elections Rccording 577 -3003 577 -3004 577 -3007 577 -3005 577 -3006 577 -3002 577 -3049 207 FOURTH AVE. N. • KELSO, WASHINGTON • 98626 wlitz ©ruJLrDlIty uditor November 19, 1986 Carrolls School District #118 P. 0. Box 3 Carrolls, Washington 98609 Re: Special Election 11 -04-86 Enclosed herewith is one (1) true and correct copy of your portion of the Official Returns of the General and Special Elections held on Tuesday, November 4, 1986. Sincerely, HELEN M. WADDLE Cowlitz County Auditor By djbr enc. Dorothy J Administ own) Rinker tive Assistant HELEN M. WADDLE, Auditor DOROTHY J BROWN, Administrative Assistant Marriage Licenses Accounting COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Auto Licenses Elections Recording 577 -3003 577 -3004 577 -3007 577 -3005 577 -3006 577 -3002 577 -3049 207 FOURTH AVE. N. • KELSO, WASHINGTON • 98626 wlitz ©cLflEtti1Ity uditor November 19, 1986 Ms. Gay Selby Superintendent of Schools Kelso School District No. 453 601 Crawford Street Kelso, Washington 98626 Dear Ms. Selby: Enclosed herewith is one (1) true and correct copy of your portion of the Official Returns of the General and Special Elections held on Tuesday, November 4, 1986. Sincerely, HELEN M. WADDLE Cowlitz County Auditor BY , _.41--t,a djbr enc. Dorothy J;/ Grown) Rinker Adminis ative Assistant HELEN M. WADDLE, Auditor DOROTHY J. BROWN, Administrative Assistant Marriage Licenses Accounting COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Auto Licenses Elections Recording 577 -3003 577 -3004 577 -3007 577 -3005 577 -3006 577 - 3002 577 -3049 207 FOURTH AVE. N. • KELSO, WASHINGTON • 98626 wlitz (1 uditor November 19, 1986 Ray Ryan Cowlitz County Assessor County Administration Building Kelso, Washington 98626 Dear Ray: Transmitted herewith, for your record, is a true and correct copy of the official election returns for special elections held on November 4, 1986, for the following districts: Sincerely, HELEN M. WADDLE Cowlitz County Auditor Castle Rock School District #401 Carrolls School District #118 Kelso School District #453 Kalama Park and Recreation Service Area By �.,� Dorothy ( rown) Rinker Adminis ative Assistant djbr Attach. cc: Donna R. Rolfe, County Treasurer HELEN M. WADDLE, Auditor DOROTHY J. BROWN, Administrative Assistant Marriage Licenses Accounting COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Auto Licenses Elections Rccording 577 -3003 577 -3004 577 -3007 577 -3005 577 -3006 577 - 3002 577- 3049 207 FOURTH AVE. N. • KELSO, WASHINGTON • 98626