Miscellaneouswlitz ) uditor September 10, 1985 Diana M. Deeg Administrative Secretary Educational Service District No. 112 1313 N.E. 134th Street Vancouver, Washington 98685 -2788 Enclosed herewith is our Certificate of Validation regarding the signatures on Petitions for Formation of New School District by residents within the Carrolls School District No. 118 and Kelso School District No. 453. We are also returning copies of both petitions. You will note that the name Ramona R. Slater is printed rather than signed. Sincerely, HELEN M. WADDLE Cowlitz County Auditor By djb encs. 3 Dorothy J Wn Administ ve Assistant Accounting Auto Licenses Elections Marriage I.icenscs Recording 577 -3004 577 - 3007 577- 3005 577 -3003 577 -3006 577 -3(49 577 -3002 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BLDG. 207 FOURTH AVE. N. • KELSO, WASHINGTON • 98626 HELEN M. WADDLE, Auditor DORO'T'HY J. BROWN, Administrative Assistant STATE OF WASHINGTON ) : ss COUNTY OF COWLITZ ) CERTIFICATE OF VALIDATION I, HELEN M. WADDLE, duly elected and qualified Auditor of Cowlitz County, Washington, do hereby certify that the names appearing upon the Petition for Formation of New School District by registered voters residing in the Carrolls School District No. 118, dated the 27th day of August, 1985, have been checked against the registration records of Carrolls Precinct, and that the Petition for Formation of New School District by registered voters residing in the Kelso School District No. 453, dated the 27th day of August, 1985, have been checked against the registration records of Harris, Sunrise, Scenic, Butler, East and Wallace Precincts; THAT all signatures of the petitioners are hereby verified to be valid excepting RAMONA R. SLATER of 4061 Old Pacific Highway South, Kelso, Washington, (Carrolls Precinct); and that all persons are in fact residents within the respective School Districts. 1N" F IM k(Y WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ' •i it offit:14%. 0el't tti_i% 1.4 h. day of September, 1985. 1 4.4 (' r.1 �, , f /' 4 7 ":,'' , . . �l � (Vi/ ; 14 t / Helen M. Waddle, Cowlitz County Auditor ASSOCIATE COUNTIES CLARK COWLITZ KLICKITAT PACIFIC SKAMANIA WAHKIAKUM September 5, 1985 Tami Bradley Cowlitz County Audi tor's Office 207 N Fourth Kelso WA 98626 Si ncerely, Di &na M. Deeg Admi ni strative Secretary Attachment EDUCATIONAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO 112 1313 N. .134th STREET VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON 98685-2788 TELEPHONE 206 -574 -2871 Attached are petitions signed by residents of Carrolls School District #118 and Kelso School District #45.3 requesting the Interim Committee on School District Organization consider consolidation of the Carrolls and Kelso School Districts. I am returning these petitions to your office as we must have a letter of certification from the county auditor stating that the petitions are valid before we can call a public hearing. Would you please forward this letter to me as soon as possible. Educational Service District 112 1s An Equal Opportunity Employer CHARLES W. FROMHOLD Superintendent PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE P PRINT LAST NAME I RESIDENCE ADDRESS, STREET AND NUMBER P CITY OR TOWN O PRECINCT NAME Orr a n P P r , , --10G ! 0 ln 1 c tku S C %/s e C corn, 11 i �i £ .c 1 / e c STATE OF WASHINGTON SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION G F. No. 7707 —(Rev. 6-73)--6-73--- 2M. 54756. TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF ��l�ER��(�'JN�E�X O: Educational .�.�.� , WASHINGTON: er Vl C L)I$TRICT N. . We, the undersigned, being registered voters residing in the CAR ROLLS School District No 118. , CQWLI.TZ County, State of Washington, do hereby petition for the formation of a new school district in COWLITZ- ... County, Washington, comprising the follow- ing designated and described territory: (Enter below the name and number of each existing district affected by the proposal to form the new district, indicating in each case whether the whole or a part of the district is included in the proposed new district; and attach to this form before it is filed with the intermediate school district superintendent a legal_ description of the boundaries of the ,proposed new district.) - - u - - _. CARRQLLS...SC.HQD L...DISTRICT ...11.8 KELS.Q...SC.HOOL...D.I.STRICT 45.3 [A1.1 of hn-th...distr..i.c.ts.... are.... i. nn. 1. uded.... i. n.... 1w. he.... Rro.psnd... new. ..di.str..i.n.t] Our reasons for asking that the aforesaid new district be formed are as follows: _..l, Jia.ii.) Pro..h s le.m - V.� --T- La .r r...e c...� 4. t .f.r e3. �'e../:.u..I�. .r -z . /-- 4 1 ,070 ..Li' - C' /- -.. es C. :/a f r, .c . �:n....�:.s.t. !'..v...� t.ek.r� ri..o.. ated this. Petition for Formation of New School District day of FORM D -9 OLYMPIA , r • 3 A separate petition must be filed by $fie residents of each existing school district when the entire district is included in a proposed new district; such petition must be signed by at least 10 registered or by a majority of the registered voters residing in the existing district. If the proposed new school district includes a part only of one or more existing districts, a single petition will suffice; such petition must be signed by at least 10 registered voters or by a majority of the registered voters residing in the proposed new district. If more room for signatures is required, use the reverse side of this form. It is important that each petitioner sign his or her name as it appears on the voter registration list in the office of either the County Auditor or City Clerk. S 5 R0 w (oN // r f oss /`d. !"tc /cs'o C 'o //s 143 er-vv atf A &CILN&T•A\,-11-cL\.,o:h ecv\Oo -3-, Ofa S0 \< &I &0 Ca otls t+cxu-, Ll�e C r l q, 411 /,ose_ WEND Itt9 /Wisp kLISv Zvi-48 e. d iva,1 . Aelo- etuvoL_OL P ico in/ tkess waxia 7rdSJ e cr,:c4/i„ J J r/ PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE PRINT LAST NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS, STREET AND NUMBER IF ANY CITY OR TOWN PRECINCT ME OR NO (IF KNOWN) ./l A.:.l � // 4 t L g a Ilit f3 e • go s .S'v nl ,-; s e k o- �t. Ue- a41,il.'Lu- ��?Yt efi" /S'JL Scer, iC. ihew be-, / ovb "' 8e-ri IID S" gu rviA-5 -e ` nil So ..- s-vJ9 agt. --z ,. 7e - c1 - i 6 U 3 I 20) acxDAz rt-t`s at. /S is 0 - so .g, ct S 1 1 .1 J, !.. Iii / / z; / S. F. No. 7707 —(Rev. 6- 73) -6 -73— 2M. 54756. v V (2 OM Dated this.. ? 7 e i lLi day of. FORM D -9 STATE OF WASHINGTON SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OLYMPIA Petition for Formation of New School District To THE SUPERINTENDENT OF ligiagli aladOODISTRICT No.. ....112 , WASHINGTON: We, the undersigned, being registered voters residing in the KELS.O School District No 453 COWLITZ County, State of Washington, do hereby petition for the formation of a new school district in COWLITZ County, Washington, comprising the follow- ing designated and described territory: (Enter below the name and number of each existing district affected by the proposal to form the new district, indicating in each case whether the whole or a part of the district is included in the proposed new district; and attach to this form before it is filed with the intermediate .school district superintendent. a. legal description of the boundaries of the proposed new tt - district.) CARROLLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 KE1SO...SCHOOL - -• DISTRICT .• -453 [All of both districts are included in the proposed new district] Our reasons for asking that the aforesaid new district be formed are as follows: f i r� �c. t? l . r r i0 & ' - iii s - fi '2 .. CeU r e (:;cam � ^.. L.I..:a .- `�1� �.j..r� :�........r1r -� ✓� t� re t - f...r1 il..f. . <A% a.ses Cr1 Ira rtic' 1. .<.(/1. J ✓er- , A separate petition must be filed by th residents of each existing school district when the entire district is included in a proposed new district; such petition must be signed by at least 10 registered or by a majority of the registered voters residing in the existing district. If the proposed new school district includes a part only of one or more existing districts, a single petition will suffice; such petition must be signed by at least 10 registered voters or by a majority of the registered voters residing in the proposed new district. If more room for signatures is required, use the reverse side of this form. It is important that each petitioner sign his or her name as it appears on the voter registration list in the office of either the County Auditor or City Clerk. %.,k\flotkag..3_ t/c ccNi-kk 5 s "5 \k\b , c 9 -mccik 0 -- c L C,cfccisz. t4m co( C 0 NI ■ o E �sk ,2 vo 1 c= 1< 2 0