Noticesjection: NOTICE OF ELECTIONS Tuesday, November 4, 1986 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 1986, in Cow- litz County, State of Washington, at the polling places in the various precincts there- of, there will be held a General Election for the purpose of electing Federal, State, County, District, Precinct and Judicial Officers, and submitting to the voters for their approval and adoption or rejection, Measures and Propositions as listed below. The measures, propositions, names and addresses of candidates, and the offices for which they have been nominated, together with the political party designations ( "D" indicates Democratic Party, "NP" indicates a nonpartisan office, "R" indicates Republican Party, and "SW" indicates Socialist Workers Party) are as follows: THERE ARE HEREBY SUBMITTED to the voters for their approval and adoption or re- REFERENDUM BILL 40 Shall state officials continue challenges to the federal selection process for high -level nuclear waste repositories and shall a means be provided for voter disapproval of any Washington site? INITIATIVE TO THE LEGISLATURE 90 Shall sales and use taxes be increased, 1 /8th of 1%, to fund comprehensive fish and wildlife conservation and recreation programs? SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 136 Shall the Constitution be amended to increase authority and membership of the commission reviewing judicial conduct and require public proceedings? SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 138 Shall the Constitution be amended to modify the process, timing and eligibility to fill vacancies in legislative and county offices? HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 49 Shall the Constitution be amended to authorize an inde- pendent commission to set salaries of legislators, judges, and state elected officials? HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 55 Shall a constitutional amendment permit voters to approve school excess levies, not exceeding six years for con- struction, modernization or remodeling? 4 NOTICE OF ELECTIONS November 4, 1986 Page 2 Office CARROLLS SCHOOL DIST. #118 KELSO SCHOOL DIST. #453 PROPOSITION NO. 1 Shall a new school district in Cowlitz County, Washington, be formed by the consolidation of all of the present Carrolls School District No. 118, Cowlitz County, State of Washington, and all of the present Kelso School District No. 453, Cowlitz County, State of Washington? CARROLLS SCHOOL DIST. #118 KELSO SCHOOL DIST. #453 PROPOSITION NO. 2 Shall the bonded indebtedness, including bonds authorized but not yet sold, of the Carrolls School District No. 118 and the Kelso School District No. 453 become the bonded indebtedness of the newly formed school district upon its establishment? CASTLE ROCK SCHOOL DIST. #401 PROPOSITION NO. 1 Excess Levy for Transportation Vehicle Fund Shall Castle Rock School District No. 401 be author- ized to have an excess levy in 1987, at an estimated tax rate of $.46 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, to collect $78,000 in 1988 for the transportation vehicle fund? Shall a park and recreation service area be established for the area described in a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Cowlitz County, adopted on Sep- tember 19, 1986, to provide financing for Community Building renovation or reconstruction and for neighbor- hood park facilities, improvements, and services? Name FORMATION OF KALAMA PARK AND RECREATION SERVICE AREA F E D E R A L Address U.S. SENATOR Slade Gorton, 2622 Capitol Way South, Olympia 98501 Brock Adams, 717 B Federal Avenue East, Seattle 98102 Jill Fein, 6707 Vista Avenue South, Seattle 98108 U.S. REPRESENTATIVE 3rd Congressional District Joe Illing, 3002 Country Club Loop Road, Olympia 98502 Don Bonker, 2606 Bay Point Drive SE #24, Vancouver 98664 Party Designation R D SW R D NOTICE OF ELECTIONS November 4, 1986 Page 3 Office Name S T A T E Address STATE REPRESENTATIVE 18th District Position #1 Linda A. Smith, 10009 Ridgecrest Avenue NW, Vancouver 98685 David Cooper, 14809 244th Street NE, Battle Ground 98604 STATE REPRESENTATIVE 18th District Position #2 Bob Larimer, 1138 Pekin Road South, Woodland 98674 R Joe Tanner, 16121 35th Avenue NE, Ridgefield 98642 D STATE REPRESENTATIVE District 19A Bob Williams, 111 Victoria Street, Longview 98632 R COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR Ray Ryan, 243 Cook Ferry Road, Castle Rock 98611 D COUNTY AUDITOR Karen Franzen, 6928 Willow Grove Road, Longview 98632 R Darlene Pankratz DeRosier, 3627 Pleasant Hill Rd., Kelso 98626 D D COUNTY CLERK Bev Bright, 605 Peardale Lane #27, Longview 98632 COUNTY COMMISSIONER District #3 Van A. Youngquist, 6620 Willow Grove, Longview 98632 R COUNTY CORONER . F. Winebrenner, 3293 Nebraska, Longview 98632 D COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY C. C. Bridgewater, 3159 Wildwood Drive, Longview 98632 COUNTY SHERIFF B. D. "Ben" Bena, 415 Warren St., PO Box 1221, Castle Rock 98611 R D Brian Pedersen, 436 - 24th Ave., Longview 98632 COUNTY TREASURER Donna R. Rolfe, 285 Sunset Drive, Longview 98632 R N O N P A R T I S A N J U D I C I A L and D I S T R I C T JUDGE STATE SUPREME COURT Position #1 James M. Dolliver, 312 Sherman Street N, Olympia 98502 JUDGE STATE SUPREME COURT Position #2 Robert F. Utter, 2110 -4 52nd Street NW, Olympia 98502 JUDGE STATE SUPREME COURT Position #3 Fred H. Dore, 1506 90th Place NE, Bellevue 98004 JUDGE COUNTY JUSTICE COURT DISTRICT Position #1 Ronald Huntington, 2450 Park Hill Drive, Longview 98632 Party Designation R D D NP NP NP NP JUDGE COUNTY JUSTICE COURT DISTRICT Position #2 Robert R. Altenhof, 1214 - 24th Ave., Longview 93632 NP Robin M. Force, 4736 Beverly St., Longview 98632 NP NOTICE OF ELECTIONS November 4, 1986 PaQe4 Office Name filed for election. Address Party Designation P.U.D. COMMISSIONER District #3 Howard B. Richman, 1241 Spruce St., Longview 98632 NP Precinct Committeemen will appear in those precincts where candidates have NOTICE OF ELECTIONS November 4, 1986 Page 5 Polling places for listed precincts will be as follows: BARNES SCHOOL GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH 401 Barnes St., Kelso 402 Crawford St., Kelso Homesite Barr Ostrander Burcham Rainbow Harris Rocky Ross I.W.A. HALL 536 Oregon Way, Longview BEACON HILL SCHOOL Monticello 188 Beacon Hill Dr., Longview Oregon Way Beacon 17th South Scenic KALAMA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BROADWAY SCHOOL 500 China Garden Rd., Kalama 1410 - 8th Ave., Longview Cloverdale Freeport Kalama Oklahoma Tunstall BUTLER ACRES SCHOOL KESSLER SCHOOL 1609 Burcham St., Kelso 20th & Kessler Blvd., Longview Butler 18th Dungan Hudson East 31st Sunrise Sunset Washington Way CARROLLS SCHOOL 3902 Old Pacific Hwy. So., Carrolls MINT VALLEY SCHOOL Carrolls 2745 - 38th Ave., Longview Greenway CASTLE ROCK HIGH SCHOOL Hillside Acres 5180 West Side Hwy., Castle Rock 41st Arkansas Mint Valley Delameter Ocean Beach Jackson MONTICELLO MIDDLE SCHOOL CASTLE ROCK UPPER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 28th & Hemlock St., Longview 1300 Huntington Ave., Castle Rock 33rd Castle Rock East Olympic East Castle Rock North 27th Ave. North Castle Rock South Heights NORTHLAKE SCHOOL Tower 2210 Olympia Way, Longview Central CATLIN SCHOOL 15th North 404 Long Ave., Kelso Hill Catlin Lake 36th COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SCHOOL Park 2820 Park View Drive, Longview Sacajawea Columbia Heights Hayes OLYMPIC SCHOOL 38th 1324 - 30th Ave., Longview Fi r COLUMBIA VALLEY GARDENS SCHOOL 34th 2724 - 30th Ave., Longview 42nd Columbia Valley Gardens Maple Homestead Olympic West 30th 35th ROBERT GRAY SCHOOL 37th 46th & Ohio St., Longview Coal Creek FIRE DISTRICT NO. 2 STATION Mt. Solo 701 Vine St., Kelso View Cedar West McKenney Windemere FIRE DISTRICT NO. 2 STATION ROSE VALLEY GRANGE HALL 1796 West Side Hwy., Kelso 1520 Rose Valley Rd., Kelso Lexington Rose Ponderosa NOTICE OF ELECTIONS November 4, 1986 Page 6 RYDERWOOD COMMUNITY HALL 305 Morse St., Ryderwood Cougar Flat ST. HELENS SCHOOL 27th & Beech St., Longview Highlands North Highlands South Mill 22nd Ave. North 22nd Ave. South 26th Ave. North 28th Ave. North TOUTLE LAKE SCHOOL 5050 Spirit Lake Hwy., Toutle Silver Lake Toutle -°* WALLACE SCHOOL 410 Elm St., Kelso Chestnut Elm McGowan Wallace WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 755 Park St., Woodland Caples Reno Woodland North Woodland South YALE SCHOOL 11840 Lewis River Rd., Cougar Yale VOTE BY MAIL Hazel Dell WAC 434 -57 -150 - Notice of Accessibility. All of the aforementioned polling places are accessible according to the standards for voters who are elderly or dis- abled, excepting one (Wallace School). **(WAC 434 -57 -100) WALLACE SCHOOL DOES NOT MEET ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS as a polling place for elderly and disabled voters. Registered voters in Chestnut, Elm, McGowan and Wallace precincts who are elderly or disabled may elect to vote by absen- tee ballot by signing a written request therefor and submitting it to the County Auditor's Office on or before November 3, 1986. The polls of said election will be and remain open from 7:00 o'clock in the morning until 8:00 o'clock in the evening of said day, unless at the time of closing there are any electors in any polling place desiring to vote and who are qualified to participate therein, and who have not been able to do so since appearing at the pol- ling place, in which event said polls shall be kept open long enough after the hour of closing to allow those present at that time to vote. DATED at Kelso, Cowlitz County, State of Washington, this 24th day of October, 1986. PUBLISHED: October 31, 1936 Cowlitz County Auditor and Ex- officio Supervisor of Elections in and for said County wlitz ourdy uditor Marriagc Liccnscs Accounting 577 -3003 577 -3004 577 -3002 577 -3049 October 24, 1986 The Daily News P. 0. Box 189 Longview, Washington 98632 Attention: Legal Department Bonnie Forrest Please publish the enclosed Notice of Elections in your issue of Friday, October 31, 1986, together with Sample Ballot. Our Purchase Order No. 188975 is enclosed for your convenience in billing. Your Affidavit of Publication will be required for this legal pub- lication. Thank you. Sincerely, HELEN M. WADDLE Cowlitz County Auditor By encs. 3 (e ) v Dorothy .V Rinker Admini_! rative Assistant COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Auto Liccnscs Elections Recording 577 -3007 577 -3005 577 -3006 207 FOURTH AVE. N. • KELSO, WASHINGTON • 98626 HELEN M. WADDLE, Auditor DOROTHY J. BROWN, Administrative Assistant SHIP T0: Cowlitz County Auditor BILL TO: SAME 207 Fourth Ave, No. Kelso WA 98626 FUND PROD DEPT ACCT ELE OBJ SBJ AMOUNT AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES 117 000 035 514 85 49 qq Roo..00 i, , / i ‘ DBPA - tor / 241 ��'cC CsC, VU . c M EN MB AUDITOR RECEIVED DT DATE CLAIMANT The Daily News P. O Box 189 Longview, CITY Year 19 86 WA Vendor No. 3027 PURCHASE ORDER Vendor Please Note: ORDERING E l e c t i o n 1. Invoices must be itemized stating quantity, DEPT Rese rve price and amount of each item. 2. The Sales Tax where applicable, shall be shown separately. ORDER 3. Cowlitz County is exempt from payment DATE 10'17-'86 of Federal Excise Tax. An exemption certificate will be furnished in lieu of the Excise Tax, and prices quoted shall be exclusive of such Excise Tax. 98632 4. Invoices must be received by the 2nd of the ZIP month or payment will be delayed 30 days. County payments are mailed the 20th. 5. Mail invoice to ordering department. Please publish Friday, October 31, 1986 DESCRIPTION VENDOR PURCHASE ORDER NO. 188975 Form 90-11 IN THE MATTER Dieticc of Publicatie.a STATE OF WASHINGTON' j sa. COUNTY OF COWLITZ 1JJ that he/she is the notice AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 188975 03 -15 -075 rs�..snena...jihitx3 gh.t being duly sworn says Chief Clerk of the THE DAILY NEWS And that The Daily News, published in Cowlitz County, has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Cowlitz County. and that the Annexed printed copy is a true copy of the in the above entitled matter as it was printed in the regular entire issue of said paper for a period of 01lo ...iusex.tion commencing on the 3.i.8.t...day of 0.crob.er , 19.. and ending on the....31.0.L...day of 0. t.o.b er , 19...8.0 and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period, and that said notice was published in said newspaper and not in supplement form. That the full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $ 10 71 • 6 Which amount has been paid in full at the rate of 5. • 4r inch for the first insertion and .5_. Q!r in 100 words 100 words for each subsequent insertion. Subscribed and sworn to before me . ...... ardiay of November , 19 Notary Public for the State of Washington, residing at Longview. NOTICE OF CLOSING OF VOTERS' REGISTRATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 29.07.160, that all precincts within the boundaries of Cowlitz County, State of Washington,, will be closed for original registration of voters and for transfer of registrations from one precinct to another precinct within said County, on the 4th day of October, 1986, said day being thirty (30) days prior to Tuesday, November 4, 1986, which is the date set for the General Election and for any Special Elections that may be scheduled to be held on November 4, 1986. Saturday, October 4, 1986, is the last day voters residing in Cowlitz County will be permitted to register or transfer prior to said elections. DATED at Kelso, County of Cowlitz, State of Washington, this /124 day of September, 1 86. PUBLISHED: September 26, 1986 )176L-tAr)4 Auditor of Cowlitz County and Ex- officio Supervisor of Elections in and for said County wlitz a L�JU�if�M uditor September 19, 1986 The Daily News P. 0. Box 189 Longview, Washington 98632 Attention: Legal Department Bonnie Forrest Please publish the enclosed Notice of Closing of Voters' Registration in your issue of Friday, September 26, 1986. Our Purchase Order No. 188953 is enclosed for your convenience in billing. Your Affidavit of Publication will be required for this legal publi- cation. Thank you. Sincerely, HELEN M. WADDLE Cowlitz County Auditor By t.Z .�� 4, Dorothy Bfown Administ ative Assistant encs. 2 HELEN M. WADDLE, Auditor DOROTHY J. BROWN, Administrative Assistant Marriage Licenses Accounting COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Auto Licenses Elections Recording 577 -3003 577 -3004 577 - 3007 577 -3005 577 -3006 577 -3002 577 -3049 207 FOURTH AVE. N. • KELSO, WASHINGTON • 98626 207 Fourth Ave. No, Kelso, WA 98626 FUND PROG DEPT ACCT ELE OBJ 2)12 AMOUNT AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES ' J17, 000 035 514 85 49 99 20.00 1 24Sr R } .NCM. AUDITOR REGRIVMD DV DATR NOTICE OF CLOSING OF VOTERS' REGISTRATION ublish Friday September 26, 1986 SHIP TO: CLAIMANT The Daily News P. 0. Box 189 Longview, CITY Year 19 86 QUANTITY Vendor No. 3027 Cowlitz County Auditor PURCHASE ORDER WAc 98632 ZIP DESCRIPTION Vendor Please Note: 1. Invoices must be itemized stating quantity, price and amount of each item. 2. The Sales Tax where applicable, shall be shown separately. 3. Cowlitz County is exempt from payment of Federal Excise Tax. An exemption certificate will be furnished in lieu of the Excise Tax, and prices quoted shall be exclusive of such Excise Tax. 4. Invoices must be received by the 2nd of the month or payment will be delayed 30 days. County payments are mailed the 20th. 5. Mail invoice to order ng department. BILL TO: VENDOR SAME UNIT COST AMOUNT Election ORDERING DEPT Reserve ORDER DATE 9-19.86 PURCHASE ORDER NO. 188953 IN THE MATTER STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF COWLITZ Form 90-11 P O 4 188953 03 15 075 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Notice of Publication SS. Barbara Knapp .., being duly sworn says that he /she is the chief clerk of the THE DAILY NEWS And that The Daily News, published in Cowlitz County, has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Cowlitz County. and that the Annexed printed copy is a true copy of the notice in the above entitled matter as it was printed In the regular entire issue of said paper for a period of... QII.e.. .in.S.ertion commencing on the 26th day of September on the 26 th day of Septembe , 19 86, and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period, and that saidllQ.tice was published in said newspaper and not In supplement form. That the full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $ 17 • 01 which amount has been paid in full at the rate o • 67 per incest for the first insertion anc 0 %er inchavimoi for each subsequent insertion. Subscribed and sworn to before mt.this...3.0 day of... S.ep.tet:ther , 19..afa pal l ington, 19... 6 and ending Notary Public for the State of W¢,f residing at Longview. Notice 77 Of Closing of Voters' i'te istration .. NOTICE :pursuant to the HEREBY e proia os of RCN 29.07.160, that all precincts within . f the boundaries of Cowlitz County State of 'Washington, will be. closed for original reglatratlon of vOters P f from for Done transfer registrations precinct within said County, on the . 4th day of October, 1986, satdday be- Ing thirty ( 3 _aaj,-Novtitber 4,198 whfCbJs the_ date setfoiiii ° e`pe n e`ra tElectloa•and for any'Special' Elections thatlmay 5cheauted V to be .held:, on Notembei 1988.- .- ■Saturday, October Y, 1986; is the ' last day. voters -residing -In- Cosolltz ` :•County will be.permitted to register or transfer prior to said elections. , a DATED at Kelso, County ' of Cowlitz,, State of Washingon,•,this 19th day of September, 1986. Helen M. Waddle, Auditor of i Cowlitz County and Ex-officio Super- visor of Elections in and for, said County. Publish: September 26,1986