ResolutionsFILED REQUEST OF SEP 15 1 141 AM IS HELEN 4 . W.fOLE; A.u:oFrOR COWLITZ- COUNTY $Y PROPOSITION NO. 1 Shall a new school district in Cowlitz County, Washington, be formed by the consolidation of all of the present Carrolls School District No. 118, Cowlitz County, State of Washington, and all -of the present Kelso School District No. 453, Cowlitz County, State of Washington? PROPOSITION NO. 2 Shall the bonded indebtedness, including bonds authorized but not yet sold, of the Carrolls School District No. 118 and the Kelso School District No. 453 become the bonded indebtedness of the newly formed school district upon its establishment? DR. FRANK B. BROUILLET Mr. C.W. Fromhold, Superintendent Educational Service District No. 112 1313 N.E. 134th Street Vancouver, Washington 98685 Dear Mr. Fromhold: RPR:jh August 20, 1986 S = ely, REQUEST p D SEP 15 II 42 a8 °86 HELEN ` . ADDt =f; AUDITOR Dott1.ITZ OfiTY . If you have questions regarding this matter, please call. Old Capitol Building. FG-11.Olympia.Washington 98504 - _ __,,,, or ,. "' S'rtpdeaof Public Instruction I am writing to inform you that the State Board of Education at its July 17 -19, 1986 Board meeting approved the Educational Service District 112 Regional Committee's recommendation for the formation of a new school district from the present Carrolls and Kelso School Districts. fees Ray and P. Reid Di rector School Facilities and Organization 3 Charles W. Fromhold Superintendent Associate Counties Clark Cowlitz Klickitat Pacific Skamama Wahkiakum Board of Directors Jim Forbes Roy Garrison Carol Gaskill Warren Leitz Marian Kolbaba Pauline Murphy Jack Weber ESD 112 is an Equal Opportunity Employer September 8, 1986 Ms. Helen Waddle, Auditor Cowlitz County Courthouse 207 N. Fourth Kelso WA 98626 Dear Ms. Waddle: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 28A.57 RCW, petitions for the purpose of forming a new school district by consolidating Kelso School District 453 and Carrolls School District 118 were presented to the Educational Service District 112 superintendent as secretary of the Regional Committee on School District Organization on August 28, 1985. On December 4, 1985, June 3 and June 4, 1986, the Regional Committee held public hearings on the proposal for formation of a new school district in Cowlitz County, Washington. On June 4, 1986 the Regional Committee approved the petitions and so notified the State Board of Education. The proposal for the formation of a new district comprising the following designated and described property was approved by the State Board of Education at its July 17 -18, 1986 meeting: "The whole of the Carrolls School District No. 118, Cowlitz County, State of Washington, and the whole of the Kelso School District No. 453, Cowlitz County, State of Washington." Enclosed is the Regional Committee on School District Organization's resolution calling for the election and the two propositions. You are hereby requested to call and conduct an election on these questions at the November 4, 1986 general election. Your attention to this request will be appreciated. Please call me if you have questions relative to this matter. Sincerel , Charles W. Fromhold Superintendent, ESD 112 Secretary, Regional Committee on School District Organization dd Enclosures FILED fiEDUES1` OF - -_ __111.11116 SEP 1 5 I I id All '8$ HELEN H. tit? r � Q r ..� AU y 9NOR 604f101. C h 1 c: Dr. Gay Selby, Kelso Joan Donaldson, Carrolls Ray Reid, School Facilities, OSPI Educational Service District 112 1313 N.E. 134th St Vancouver, WA 98685 -2788 (206) 574 -2871 FIL REQUEST SEP 15 11 41 AM '@6 RESOLUTION FOR ELECTION MEN V. WADDLE AUDITOR cowtn,1 otuta EAT ITTEE ON SCHOOL DISTRICT ORGANIZATION "Be It Also Resolved, That in the event the foregoing recommendations are approved by the State Board of Education: (1) The County Auditor of Cowlitz County is hereby requested to call an election for submission of the recommendations or question(s) to the electorate of Carrolls and Kelso School Districts, (2) The secretary of the committee shall prepare a single proposition or multiple propositions for submission of the foregoing recommendations or questions to the electorate, and (3) The secretary to the committee shall give notice of election to the County Auditor pursuant to this resolution and as provided by law." Note: As passed by the ESD 112 Regional Committee On School District Organization and recorded in the minutes of the June 4, 1986 meeting.