Contract - 05-30-2023 - 12843 - Change Order No. 1 Quigg Bros., Inc., for the Pacific Avenue North Half Bridge Replacement Project. AS-12843 A. 2. BOCC Agenda Meeting Date: 05/30/2023 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - Pacific Avenue North Half Bridge Replacement Project- Project No. 1230 - Quigg Bros., Inc. Submitted For: Gary Gonser, Public Works Submitted By: Carol Sides, Public Works Department: Public Works Information Subject and Summary Statement Attached is Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Quigg Bros., Inc., for the Pacific Avenue North Half Bridge Replacement Project. This will be the only change order for the project and is written to include the additional costs for the guardrail transitions to the bridge and the net increase for overruns/underruns of the approximate quantities among all the bid items. Will Staff Attend - NAME OF STAFF or No Yes Department Recommendation It is the recommendation of the Department of Public Works that the Board move to accept Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Quigg Bros., Inc., for the Pacific Avenue North Half Bridge Replacement Project, increasing the total contract amount by $7,500.00. Fiscal Impact Expenditure Required $: 7,500 Budget Sufficient Y-N: Y Amendment Required Y-N: N Source of Funds -What Dept ? : Roads Grant Y-N: Attachments Change Order No. 1 Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Gary Gonser Gary Gonser 05/23/2023 11:36 AM Susan Eugenis Susan Eugenis 05/23/2023 01:11 PM Mike Moss,Public Works Mike Moss 05/23/2023 03:17 PM Form Started By:Carol Sides Started On:05/23/2023 10:31 AM G�4,Yx C204,� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Kelso,WA Avenue Board or County Commissioners TEL (360)577-3030 Arne Mortensen District 1 FAX (360)636-0845 Dennis P.Weber District 2 wwoy-co.cowhiz,tvt.usl n liewar sl Richard R.Dahl District ��sHING�4t1 Change Order Contract Title Contract Number County Road No. Change Order No. Pacific Ave.North Half Bridge Replacement Project #1230/TA-5306 52030 1 Change Order Reference: Federal Aid No. Date Change in Guardrail Transition&Reconciliation of Additional Costs BRM-6741(007) 5/16/23 Prime Contractor !2uigg Bros.,Inc. P.O.Box 1707 Aberdeen,WA 98520 360/533-1530 Project Engineer Phone Number Susan Eu enis,P.E. County Engineer 360/577-3030 Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications. Change proposed by Contractor. Approval re tlircd by Board of County Commissioners Approval required by County Engineer Change Order Description: The rebar in the concrete bridge girders required a different type of bridge barrier. This required the guardrail connection to the bridge to be changed from a Type F connection to a Type A connection. This increased the cost of these connections by$4,032.00. See attached sheets for backup documentation. This will be paid under Bid Item# l-Minor Changes. Due to this additional work and a net increase for overruns/underruns of the approximate quantities among all the bid items, the original contract amount was exceeded by approximately$7,500.00. This change order increases the contract by this amount. All work will be paid by actual quantities installed. All work,materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions for the type of construction involved unless stated otherwise in this document. Original Contract Current Contract Est.Net Change Sales Tax Est.Revised Amount Amount This C.U. on Change Contract Amount $2,808,788.50 $2,808,788.50 $7.500.00 $ 0.00 $2,816,288.50 Change Order No. 1 5-16-23 Pacific Ave.N.Half Bridge Replacement Project; Project No. 1230/TA-5306 Change Order No.1 Page 2 of 2 ENDORSED BY: EXECUTED this day of ,2023 aulrA60S• I,VC• BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CpnVactor OF COWLITZ COUNTY,WASHINGTON C�0, Authorized S' Chairman GAAtLL-j Printed Name mmissioner U1 CF- Peas. _ ,-.4, Title Commissioner 51 o Dat ATTEST: CONSENT OF SURETY(IF REQUIRED) Surety Company ON GUVNTr Signature Date Q0 00 Q GOWUTZ D eOMW m � APP OVAL RECOMMENDED BY: o WASMdTO`° p' Susan Euge is, P.E. Date ti County Engineer Gonser, Gary From: Kevin Cucchiara <KevinC@quiggbros.com> Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2023 11:51 AM To: Gonser,Gary;White, Rich;Andrews, Chris Cc: John Larson Subject: RE: <EXTERNAL>RE: Pacific Ave North -Change Order Request Hi Gary, Please see email below from CRC,which includes their breakdown for the additional costs for changing the guardrail ends. Please let me know if you have any questions. Good Morning John, Hai� H,03Z" Here is the cost breakdown for changing the to a Type A connection: Cf f.,rh 5"A Qe Labor/Equipment:$1,400.00 H3Z o� l Materials:$2,200.00(including freight and sales tax.) �`y/ Let me know if you need anything else. Have a good day. Thank you, Brian Norton Estimator BrianN@ColRivContr.com COLUMBIA RIVER CONTRACTORS INC PO Box 1070,Clackamas,OR 97015 Phone: 503-722-1777 Fax: 503-722-1778 This communication,together with any attachments hereto or links contained herein,is for the sole use of the intended recipients(s)and may contain information that is confidential or legally protected. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure,copying,dissemination,distribution or use of this communication is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this communication if error,please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail message and delete the original and all copies of the communication,along with any attachments hereto or links herein,from yoursystem. Thanks, Kevin Cucchiara i OUIGG BR❑S..INC. From:Gonser, Gary<GonserG@cowlitzwa.gov> Sent: Monday,April 24, 2023 1:18 PM To: Kevin Cucchiara<KevinC@quiggbros.com>;White, Rich<WhiteR@cowlitzwa.gov>;Andrews, Chris <andrewsc@cowlitzwa.gov> Cc:John Larson<JohnL@quiggbros.com> Subject:<EXTERNAL>RE: Pacific Ave North-Change Order Request That is correct. Please provide the revised quote. Thank you. Gary Gonser Construction Manager Cowlitz County Dept. of Public Works 1600-130'Avenue South Kelso,WA 98626-2851 Tel: (360)577-3030 ext. 6537 Fax: (360)636-0845 gonserZ(rt,co%VI ilA%Va.gov please note new email address as of 8/2022) From: Kevin Cucchiara<KevinC@quiRRbros.com> Sent:Monday,April 24,2023 1:13 PM To:Gonser, Gary<GanserG@cowlitzwa.Sop; White, Rich<Wh ite R2 cowlitzwa. ❑v>;Andrews,Chris <andrewsr cowlitzwa.Rov> Cc:John Larson<JohnL@quiggbros.corn> Subject: RE: Pacific Ave North-Change Order Request Gary, Per our phone conversation this morning,we are in agreement that CRC can proceed with the Type A barrier installation from a Lump Sum addition of$3,600.00 for all four connections on the bridge. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Kevin Cucchiara nUIGG EiR❑S.,INC._ From: Kevin Cucchiara Sent:Wednesday,April 19, 2023 1:59 PM To: 'Gonser,Gary'<GonserG@cowlitzwa.gov>; White,Rich <WhiteR@cowlitzwa.gov>;Andrews,Chris <andrewsc cowlitzwa.,Fov> Cc:John Larson<JohnL@quiggbres.com> Subject: Pacific Ave North -Change Order Request Good Afternoon, 2 Please see attached change order request for changing the guardrail connections at the bridge from Type F to a Type A connection. CRC starts tomorrow so your earliest concurrence is appreciated. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Kevin Cucchiara C)UIGG BROS.,INC. 819 W.State Street P.O. Box 1707 Aberdeen,WA 98520 (360)580-0015 Cell (360)500-4311 Direct (360)533-1530 Office (360)532-3449 Fax CAUTION: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 �\_ttz COUP DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS fla 1600—13ih Avenue South Kelso,WA 99626 Board of County Commissioners TEL (360)577-3030 Arne Mortensen District 1 FAX (360)636-0845 Dennis P.Weber District 2 www.rn.�uu'Iia7..++a, p�t?13�:vnrks; Richard R.Dahl District 3 �1SHINGA Change Order Contract Title Contract Number County Road No. Change Order No. Pacific Ave.North Half Bridge Replacement Pro'ect #1230/TA-5306 52030 1 Change Order Reference: Federal Aid No. Date Change in Guardrail Transition&Reconciliation of Additional Costs BRM-6741(007) 5/16/23 Prime Contractor Quigg Bros.,Inc. P.O.Box 1707 Aberdeen,WA 98520 3 60/533-1530 Project Engineer Phone Number Susan Eu enis,P.E. Court Engineer 360/577-3030 Ordered by En inecr under the teens of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications. Change proposed by Contractor. Aperoval required by Board ofCouo Commissioners Approval required by County Engineer Change Order Description: The rebar in the concrete bridge girders required a different type of bridge barrier. This required the guardrail connection to the bridge to be changed from a Type F connection to a Type A connection. This increased the cost of these connections by$4,032.00. See attached sheets for backup documentation. This will be paid under Bid Item#1-Minor Changes. Due to this additional work and a net increase for overruns/underruns of the approximate quantities among all the bid items, the original contract amount was exceeded by approximately$7,500.00. This change order increases the contract by this amount. All work will be paid by actual quantities installed. All work,materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions for the type of construction involved unless stated otherwise in this document. Original Contract Current Contract Est.Net Change Sales Tax Est.Revised Amount Amount This C.O. on Chance Contract Amount $2,808,788.50 $2,808,788.50 $7,500.00 $ 0.00 $2,816,288.50 Change Order No. 1 5-16-23 Pacific Ave.N.Half Bridge Replacement Project; Project No.1230/TA-5306 Change Order No.I Page 2 of 2 EN OIISED BY: EXECUTED this day of ,2023 i OS, C. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS n for OF COWLITZ COUNTY,WAS GTON Authorized Si a CGAJZLr--5 hainnan f Printed Name mmissioner U C Title Commissioner Da eCz ATTEST: CONSENT OF SURETY(IF REQUIRED) 4 6&r of Re wired Surety Company ". (AfXk Of� ���'Signature Date GD TpG, eowurz O� APPROVAL RECOMMENDED BY: U 4SIM6 -, — 0 wASNwgto� �p i.� L r� - c-1 2 Susan Eugefhis,P.E.,• Date y�S 5 County Engineer Gonser, Gary From: Kevin Cucchiara <KevinC@quiggbros.com> Sent: Thursday, May4, 2023 11:51 AM To: Gonser,Gary;White, Rich;Andrews,Chris Cc: John Larson Subject: RE: <EXTERNAL>RE: Pacific Ave North -Change Order Request Hi Gary, Please see email'below from CRC,which includes their breakdown for the additional costs for changing the guardrail ends. Please let me know if you have any questions. Good Morning John, ��. +{ 03z.•_ � 3,�,��� t- � H3z-' � Here is the cost breakdown for changing the to a Type A connection: �aark�P �vhF 5.':% Labor/Equipment:$1,400.00 Materials:$2,200.00(including freight and sales tax.) Let me know if you need anything else. Have a good day. Thank you, Brian Norton Estimator BrianNAColRivContr.com COLUMBIA RIVER CONTRACTORS INC PO Box 1070,Clackamas,OR 97015 Phone: 503-722-1777 Fax: 503-722-1778 This communication, together with any attachments hereto or links contained herein,is for the sole use of the intended recipients(s)and may contain information that is confidential or legally protected. if you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure,copying,dissemination,distribution or use of this communication is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this communication if error,please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail message and delete the original and all copies of the communication,along with any attachments hereto or links herein,from your system. Thanks, Kevin Cucchiara i ulG13 13ROS.,INC. MW From:Gonser, Gary<Go rise rG @cowl itzwa.gov> Sent: Monday,April 24, 2023 1:18 PM To: Kevin Cucchiara<KevinC@quiggbros.com>;White, Rich<WhiteR@cowlitzwa.gov>;Andrews, Chris <andrewsc@cowlitzwa.gov> Cc:John Larson<JohnL@quiggbros.com> Subject:<EXTERNAL>RE: Pacific Ave North-Change Order Request That is correct. Please provide the revised quote. Thank you. Gary Gonser Construction Manager Cowlitz County Dept.of Public Works 1600-131h Avenue South Kelso,WA 98626-2851 Tel: (360)577-3030 ext. 6537 Fax: (360)636-0845 gons0rz tcOwlilnva-&oN (please note new email address as of 8/2022) From:Kevin Cucchiara<KevinC@puiegbros.com> Sent:Monday,April 24,2023 1:13 PM To:Gonser,Gary<GonserG@cowlitzwa ggy>;White, Rich<WhiteRC@cowlitzwa.go >;Andrews,Chris <andrewsc tawlitzwa. ov> Cc:John Larson<JohnL@Qujggbros.corn> Subject: RE: Pacific Ave North-Change Order Request Gary, Per our phone conversation this morning,we are in agreement that CRC can proceed with the Type A barrier installation from a Lump Sum addition of$3,600.00 for all four connections on the bridge. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Kevin Cucchiara lJiGG BROS.INC. From: Kevin Cucchiara Sent:Wednesday,April 19, 2023 1:59 PM To: 'Gonser,Gary'<GonserG@cow4itzwa.gov>;White, Rich<WhiteR cowlitzwa. ov>;Andrews,Chris <and rewsc@cowl itzwa.eov> Cc:John Larson<]ohnL@Qu_igg6ros.corn> Subject: Pacific Ave North-Change Order Request Good Afternoon, 2 Please see attached change order request for changing the guardrail connections at the bridge from Type F to a Type A connection. CRC starts tomorrow so your earliest concurrence is appreciated. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Kevin Cucchiara nLIIGG BR05jNC. 819 W.State Street P.O. Box 1707 Aberdeen,WA 98520 (360)580-0015 Cell (360)500-4311 Direct (360) 533-1530 Office (360) 532-3449 Fax CAUTION; This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3