Contract - 03-14-2017 - 8600 - Personal Service Agreement with Harris Govern. (2)AS -8600 Z BOCC Agenda MAR 15 Meeting Date: 03/14/2017 PURCHASING SVGS Personal Service Agreement with Harris Govern Submitted For: Matt Hanson, Purchasing Services Submitted By: Matt Hanson, Purchasing Services Department: Purchasing Services Information Motion Items 3. Subject and Summary Statement On May 25th 2016 the County issued a request for proposals for an Assessment and Taxation System ATS). On November 22nd, 2016 the County Board of Commissioners selected Harris Govern proposal as most advantageous for the County. The personal service agreement covering the data conversion, training and implementation of the new ATS software has been negotiated and requires approval from the Board of County Commissioners. The not to exceed amount for this agreement is $552,478. Will Staff Attend Y / N County Assessor will attend Department Recommendation It is the recommendation of the County Assessor, County Treasurer and Purchasing Manager that the Board of County Commissioners approve this personal services contract. Expenditure Required $: 552478 Budget Sufficient Y -N: y Amendment Required Y -N: n Source of Funds - Fund /Dept.: 502 Grant Y -N: n Fiscal Impact Attachments Personal Services Aareement w Harris Govern Final Approval Date: 03101/2017 Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Clerk of the Board Matt Hanson 02/22/2017 05:35 PM Matt Hanson (Originator) Matt Hanson 02/23/2017 04:08 PM Treasurer Kathy Hanks 02/23/2017 04:34 PM Dave Wallis Dave Wallis 02/24/2017 08:55 AM Dana Gigler Dana Gigler 02/24/201712:02 PM Matt Hanson (Originator) Matt Hanson 02/24/2017 0146 PM Clerk of the Board Tiffany Ostreim 002412017 01:49 PM Form Started By: Matt Hanson Started On: 02122/2017 04:40 PM Final Approval Date: 03101/2017 THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between COWLITZ COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called "County" or "Cowlitz County ") and Name: Harris Govern Address: 760 N Watters Road Suite 100, Allen TX, 75013 Phone N°: 972 - 265 -7300 hereinafter called "Contractor "). This Agreement is comprised of: Attachment A — Statement of Work Attachment B — Compensation Attachment C — General Conditions Attachment D — Special Terms and Conditions and Retirement Status Form (signature required) Attachment E — (specify) Harris Govern's Response to RFP# 05 -2016 copies of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by tiis reference as if fully set forth. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the 29th day of February 2017 and shall, unless terminated as provided elsewhere in the Agreement, terminate on the 31st day of December, 2019. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on this 28th day of February 2017. CONTRACTOR: t e Harris Govern Print name: Title: Vice President, Sales Date: February 22 2017 Optional for Commis_ sinner ATTEST: iffany Ostreim, cF of the Board 2014 -ver. 3] COWLITZ COUNTY: BOX approval subject to Board ratification or authorization) IIt A r HAS BEEN APPROVED AS TO FORM BY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY